неделя, 27 март 2011 г.

They tried to make me go to rehab, I said no no no..

- He fuckin loved me. But who cares. I wanted to fuck another one. And still the passion's gone. It's like i'm fuckin empty.
I'm still loviiin youuuu...
I know I'm not it's just a game I play. Love is a losing game. That's why I hate it that much. And things I hate inspire me greatly.
(leaves and goes to dancing classes)
-Hi teacher. I want to learn to feel passion again.
-Everyone does. That's why they come here.
You know that I'm no good..
They tried to make me go to rehab, I said no no no..
-Nah, teacher. I feel fuckin sexy. This is not the problem.
-You do? Really? So where's your passion then?
-Don't know.
-I'm gonna teach you a lesson now. Sit down.
-I know all my lessons, I need to dance.
-You're so stubborn. Sit down, I said. This one you don't know. You're too young and still think about boys in that stupid way. Here something that will come in handy. There's a story about a girl who couldn't feel the passion and she thought that it was some problem with guys. She had 'loved' so many of them that she thought that every time her heart had been broken she wouldn't be the same and the passion she was able to feel would go away piece by piece. She started singin 'You know I'm no good' , 'Still lovin you', you know what I mean. Every girl who comes in here, sayin 'Teacher, I wanna learn passion' sings those. You wanna be one of them? I promise you I'll teach you passion. But the passion girl, doesnt come neither from me nor from any boy you thought you liked. The passion girl is inside of you.
-Wait.. You say by having passion I can love anyone?
-You're all so blind. Having this kind of passion I'm talkin about girl, you don't need to love anyone. And I promise you, then anyone can't break your heart.
-My heart ain't broken. It's empty.
-You can't deny it had been broken girl. Once, or twice. I dunno. I just know that you can have the passion you need. First, you'll change the music you listen to. Remember Christina Aguilera? Remember Beautiful, Fighter.
-I've listened to them a thousand times
I'm beautiful. So don't you bring me down today...
-Hah. So you know best what I'm talking about.Now you can go to the next level. You know, Tweet - Oops(oh my), Christina - Still dirty, TLC- Red light special. Especially this last one. 'I'm feelin quite sexy..'You probably have some idea of what to feel sexy feels like. You're a woman. And that's the secret of all women. The secret that attracts men and still makes them run away. Because you, women, have the ability to be independent in a sexy way and nothing is more attractive than you then. You know what I mean?
(she starts dancing with passion)
-That's what I'm talkin about! Usually, men think that women need them to dance with but you certainly don't. Or do you? I can find you a boy to make you feel sexy.
-I don't think I need it. I should go.
-I know. Come by any time you need. I'm free you know.
-Oh fuck you.
-That's what I meant.

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